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1992.9-1996.6  江西理工大学                        材料工程系                           本科

1996.9-1999.3  江西理工大学                        材料工程系                           硕士

1999.5-2005.1  清华大学                             材料科学与工程系                   博士

2005.1-2006.6  清华大学                             精密仪器与机械学系               博士后

2006.7-2008.4  京都大学                             先进能源研究所                产学官连携研究员

2008.4-2011.4  京都大学                             先进能源研究所                  特任助理教授

2011.4-2012.7  美国橡树岭国家实验室            材料科学与技术部                 研究科学家

2011.4-2012.7  美国田纳西大学                    材料科学与工程系               研究助理教授

2012.8-2013.11 香港城市大学                     机械与生物医学工程系        Research fellow

2013.12-至今      重庆大学                           材料科学与工程学院         特聘研究员(百人计划)


2015.11 - 2016.2   京都大学                          先进能源研究所                   访问教授 

2018.1 - 2018.2     京都大学                          先进能源研究所                   访问教授 

2018.8 - 2018.9     京都大学                          先进能源研究所                   访问教授 




  1. 国际学术期刊审稿人:Philosophical Magazine、Journal of Nuclear Materials、Nuclear Engineering and Technology、Fusion Engineering and Design、Acta Materialia、Materials Science and Engineering: A、Materials Characterization、Carbon、Materials letters、Scientific reports、Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance、International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials等。
  2. 国家核能材料产业发展联盟第一届理事会理事
  3. 国家能源局核电重大专项课题评审专家
  4. 国家重点研发计划重点专项答辩评审专家
  5. 美国橡树岭国家实验室学术和技术报告以及国际期刊论文的内部评审人(2011.4–2012.7)
  6. 学术组织成员:中国核学会、中国核学会核材料分会、日本金属学会(JIM)、美国材料研究学会(MRS)、美国矿物、金属和材料学会(TMS)和美国陶瓷学会(ACerS)。
  7. 扬州市产业技术研究院技术专家委员会委员
  8. 中广核研究院-重庆大学ATF包壳ODS先进合金联合实验室主任
  9. 江西理工大学校友会第一届理事会理事



  1. ODS合金设计理论和强韧化机理
  2. 先进透射电子显微学技术及其在材料科学中的应用
  3. 辐照材料科学
  4. 纳米结构材料的研究与开发及其强塑化机理
  5. 核材料的腐蚀与防护
  6. 高温合金



  1. 第四代核反应堆(钠冷却快堆、超临界水冷堆和铅基快堆)核燃料包壳材料
  2. 聚变核反应堆包层材料
  3. 轻水堆事故容错燃料包壳材料
  4. 加速器驱动次临界系统(ADS系统)核燃料包壳材料
  5. 先进透射电子显微学技术及其在先进结构核材料、纳米材料和高温合金等方面的应用
  6. 材料辐照效应
  7. 核材料的腐蚀与防护,纳米材料复合涂层
  8. 高温合金












[1] P. Dou, L.L. Qiu, S.M. Jiang, A. Kimura, Crystal and Metal/oxide Interface Structures of Nanoparticles in Fe-16Cr-0.1Ti-0.35Y2O3 ODS steel, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 523(2019)320-332 (Corresponding Author).

[2] P. Dou, W. Sang, A. Kimura, Morphology, Crystal and Metal/oxide Interface Structures of Nanoparticles in Fe-15Cr-2W-0.5Ti-7Al-0.4Zr-0.5Y2O3 ODS steel, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 523(2019)231-247 (Corresponding Author).

[3] P. Dou, X.W. Yuan, P.P. Jin, L.L. Qiu, A. Kimura, S. Ukai, Effect of Ti Content on Oxide Particles in Fe-Cr ODS steels, Materials Science, (Accepted(Corresponding Author).

[4] P. Dou, Y.T. Zhang, Y. Fang, Q. Ye, A. Kimura, S. Ukai, EFTEM Study on the Effect of Al Content on the Phase Separation Behavior in 18Cr-ODS Steels, Materials Science, 8(9)(2018)917-927 (Corresponding Author).

[5] P. Dou, A. Kimura, R. Kasada, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, S. Jiang, Z.G Yang, TEM and HRTEM Study of Oxide Particles in an Al-alloyed High-Cr Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steel with Hf Addition, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 485(2017)189-201 (Corresponding Author).

[6] Z.J. Wang, C.T. Liu, P. Dou, Thermodynamics of Vacancies and Clusters in High-entropy Alloys, Physical Review Materials, 043601, 2017, 1-5. 

[7] P. DouX. Zhang, A. Kimura, Y.H. He, C.T. Liu, Effects of Zr and Ti Contents on Oxide Nanoparticles in Al-alloyed High-Cr ODS Steels, Materials Science, 7(2017)413-422 (Corresponding Author).

[8] P. Dou, A. Kimura, R. Kasada, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, TEM and HRTEM Study of Oxide Particles in an Al-alloyed High-Cr Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steel with Zr Addition, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 444 (2013) 441–453 (Corresponding Author).

[9] P. Dou, A. Kimura, R. Kasada, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, Effects of Titanium Concentration and Tungsten Addition on the Nano-Mesoscopic Structure of High-Cr Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Ferritic Steels, Journal of Nuclear Materials,442 (2013) S95–S100 (Corresponding Author).

[10] P. Dou, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, Polymorphic and Coherency Transition of Y-Al Complex Oxide Particles with Extrusion Temperature in an Al-alloyed High-Cr Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic Steel, Acta Materialia, 59 (2011) 992–1002 (Corresponding Author).

[11] P. Dou, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, Effects of Extrusion Temperature on the Nano-Mesoscopic Structure and Mechanical Properties of High-Cr ODS Ferritic Steel, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417 (2011) 166-170 (Corresponding Author).

[12] P. Dou, R. Kasada, Preliminary Study on Nano- and Micro-composite Sol–Gel Based Alumina Coatings on Structural Components of Lead–Bismuth Eutectic Cooled Fast Breeder Reactors, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 409 (2011) 177-182 (Corresponding Author).

[13] R. Kasada, P. Dou, Sol-Gel Composite Coatings as Anti-Corrosion Barrier for Structural Materials of Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Cooled Fast Reactor, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2013, 440, 647-653.

[14] N.Y. Iwata, T. Liu, P. Dou, R. Kasada, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, F. Abe, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, Effects of MA Environment on the Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of ODS Ferritic Steels, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417 (2011) 162-165.

[15] A. Kimura, R. Kasada, N. Iwata, H. Kishimoto, C.H. Zhang, J. Isselin, P. Dou, J.H. Lee, N. Muthukumar, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, T. F. Abe, Development of Al-Added high-Cr ODS steels for Fuel Cladding of Next Generation Nuclear Systems, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417 (2011) 176-179.

[16] P. Dou, S.F. Suo, Z.G. Yang, Y.G. Li, D.R. Chen, Ratcheting Short Crack Behavior in Medium Carbon Bainitic Back-up Roll Steel under Mild Tractive Rolling Contact , Wear 268 (2010) 302–308, (Corresponding Author).

[17] P. Dou, S.F. Suo, B.Z. Bai, Z.G. Yang, Y.G. Li, Vertical Short Crack Initiation in Medium Carbon Bainitic Steel under Mild Tractive Rolling Contact, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 15(3) (2008) 37-41, (Corresponding Author).

[18] P. Dou, X.H. Jia, S.F. Suo, R.C. Wang, M. Zhang, Pressure Distribution at the Stump/socket Interface in Transtibial Amputees during Walking on Stairs, Slope and Non-flat Road, Clinical Biomechanics, 21 (2006) 1067-1073, (Corresponding Author).

[19] Y.G. Li, G.Z. Kang, C.A. Wang, P. Dou, J. Wang, Vertical Short-crack Behavior and its Application in Rolling Contact Fatigue, International Journal of Fatigue, 28 (2006) 804-811.

[20] P. Dou, Y.G. Li, K.M. Liang, Behavior of Short Fatigue Cracks in Medium Carbon Bainitic Back-up Roll Steel under Mild Tractive Rolling Contact, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 41(2) (2005) 140-144, (Corresponding Author).

[21] P. Dou, Y.G. Li, K.M. Liang, C.A. Wang, Finite Element Analysis of Contact Stresses on the Backup Roll of CVC Hot Rolling Mills, Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), 45(12) (2005) 1668-1671, (Corresponding Author).

[22] P. Dou, Y.G. Li, K.M. Liang, B.Z. Bai, Optimization of Preventive Grinding of Backup Roll against Contact Fatigue Cracking, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 12(3) (2005) 28-33, 45, (Corresponding Author).

[23] P. Dou, Y.G. Li, K.M. Liang, B.Z. Bai, Ratcheting Led Surface Failure of Medium Carbon Bainitic Steel under Mild Operation Conditions, Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 12(1) (2005) 60-66, (Corresponding Author).



[1] T. Nozawa and H. Tanigawa, P. Dou, H. Bei, Y. Katoh, L. L. Snead, and R. E. Stoller. Strength and Microstructures of the Fiber/Matrix Interface of Neutron-Irradiated SiC/SiC Composites. Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report, DOE-ER - 0313/51; 2012.

[2] Y. Katoh, T. Nozawa, A.M. Williams, T. Cheng, P. Dou, L.L. Snead, Properties of Hi-Nicalon Type-S CVI SiC Composite Irradiated to 70 dpa at Elevated Temperatures, ORNL/TM-2012/459, in, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2012.



JCS-14, 口头报告,分会主席 

NANO 2018,邀请报告,分会主席


IUMRS-ICA2016,核材料分会“Session Chair”;




[1] P. Dou, A. Kimura et al., Current Status of Research and Development of Nanostructured Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Steels for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems, NANO 2018 (Invited Talk).

[2] P. Dou, A. Kimura et al., China/Japan Collaboration on Characterization of Oxide Nanoparticles in Super ODS Ferritic Steels, JCS-14 (Oral Talk).

[3] 窦鹏,ATF包壳先进ODS不锈钢研发现状,核燃料技术发展研讨会,2016年10月20-21日,成都 (大会报告

[4] P. Dou, A. Kimura, R. Kasada, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, Effects of Minor Reactive Elements on the Oxide Particles in FeCrAl-ODS Steels, 17th IUMRS International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA2016), October 20-24, 2016, Qingdao, China (Invited Talk). 

[5] P. Dou, A.Kimura, R. Kasada, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, Effects of Zr and Ti on the Oxide Particles in Corrosion Resistant Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steels, 13th China-Japan Symposium on Materials for Advanced Energy Systems and Fission & Fusion Engineering (CJS-13), Sep. 26-29, 2016, Hefei, China (Invited Talk).

[6] P. Dou, A. Kimura, Research and Development on ODS Steels with Nanostructure for High Efficiency Nuclear Energy Systems, 9th International Workshop on Advanced Materials (IWAM-9), March 27-31, 2016, Yangzhou, China (Invited Talk).

[7] P. Dou, et al, Current Status of Advanced Fe-Cr-Al Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steel Development for Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding Application, Accident Tolerant Fuel Workshop on System Assessment and Materials, June 23-24, 2016, Shenzhen, China (Invited Talk). 

[8] P. Dou, A. Kimura, Advances in the Research and Development of FeCrAl-ODS Steels for Application in Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding, The 3rd International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology (ICMST 2016), Nov. 1-4, 2016, Shenzhen, China (Keynote Talk). 

[9]  窦鹏高效核能系统用耐腐蚀ODS钢的研究与开发,中国核学会核材料分会2015年学术年会,2015年9月21-24日,绵阳(大会报告).

[10] 窦鹏,聚变堆包层用耐腐蚀ODS钢的研究与开发,第二届“核聚变堆材料FORUM”,2014年5月10-11日,大连(Oral Presentation).

[11] P. Dou, A. Kimura, R. Kasada, Q. Liu, TEM&STEM Characterization of Nanoprecipitates in Al-alloyed High-Cr ODS Steels for Generation IV Nuclear Fission Reactors, 2nd Asian Nuclear Fuel Conference, September 18-19, 2014, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan (Oral Presentation ).

[12] P. Dou, A. Kimura, R. Kasada, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe,Phase and Metal/Oxide Interface Structure of Nanoparticles in Al-alloyed High-Cr Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic Steels with/without Zr Addition Developed for Radiation Resistance, The 3rd Workshop On TEM With In Situ Irradiation (WOTWISI-3), July 11–12, 2013, Sapporo, Japan (Oral Presentation),

[13] P. Dou, Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead, Microstructural Development in Cubic Silicon Carbide and SIC/SIC Composites during Neutron Irradiation, 36th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC’12), Jan. 22-27, 2012, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA (Oral Presentation),

[14] P. Dou, A. Kimura, R. Kasada, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, Phase and Metal/oxide Interface Structure of Nanoparticles in High-Cr Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic Steels with Different Titanium Concentrations, 15 International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-15), October 16-22, 2011, Charleston, USA(Oral Presentation),

[15] P. Dou, A. Kimura, R. Kasada, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, HRTEM Characterization on Oxide Particles in High-Cr ODS Ferritic Steels with/without Al Addition, 10th Japan-China Symposium on Materials for Advanced Energy Systems and Fission & Fusion Engineering (JCS-10), October 19-21, 2010, Kyoto, Japan (Oral Presentation),

[16] P. Dou, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, F. Abe, Effects of Extrusion Temperature on the Nano-Mesoscopic Structure and Mechanical Properties of High-Cr ODS Ferritic Steel, 14 International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-14), September 6-11, 2009, Sapporo, Japan (Oral Presentation),

[17] P. Dou, Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead,S. Kondo, T. Yamamoto, G.R. Odette, Microstructural Development in Cubic Silicon Carbide in-situ Helium-injected during Neutron Irradiation, 15 International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-15), October 16-22, 2011, Charleston, USA (Poster Presentation).



